STAR Tech® is effective in treating a number of soft tissue conditions. Listed in alphabetical order below are conditions for which STAR Tech® treatments are recommended. Click on any item from the list below to go directly to brief information on any condition. Achilles Tendinitis, Back Pain , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, deQuervain's Tendinitis, Flexibility Restrictions, Frozen Shoulder, Golfer’s Elbow, Hammer Toes, Headaches, Hip Pain, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Lyme Disease, Male Conditions of the Pelvis, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Range-Of-Motion Restrictions, Sciatica, Shin Splints, Stroke, Tennis Elbow, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, TMJ, Trigger Finger, Whiplash This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Achilles Tendinitis – The achilles tendon,
located at the back of your ankle is your largest and strongest tendon.
Achilles Tendinitis is an inflammation of the achilles tendon. Achilles
Tendinitis is often the result of misuse or overuse of the calf muscles of the
lower leg which then results in inflammation and pain. Adductor Injuries - Hip adductors located on the
inside of the thigh are prone to injury because they are tight muscles on most
people. Injuries can be
extremely painful and totally debilitating. Recovery can take months. Back Pain –
Back pain can hit the sufferer at the shoulders, at the waist or anywhere in
between. Back pain is most often a soft tissue, muscular problem. 80 – 90% of
back pain is caused by tight muscles, muscles out of balance, strain or overuse.
Back pain can also be pain that is referred from another part of the body. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome –Pain,
numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and wrist are all classic signs of
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The cause of the pain is a compression of the median
nerve as it passes through the wrist to enter the palm of the hand. This
condition is caused by inflammation of the soft tissue of the lower arm.
Numbness in the index and middle fingers and weakness of the thumb are
additional strong indications of possible Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Chronic Muscle Tightness deQuervain's
Tendinitis Flexibility
Flexibility and range-of-motion limitations can be the result of soft tissue
tightness, injury, overuse, under use, misuse or muscle imbalances. Soft Tissue
includes muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Muscle imbalance if often a
cause of pain. Frozen Shoulder –
Frozen Shoulder is a non-medical term used to describe a variety of conditions
that involve chronic, painful stiffness or locking of the shoulder
joint. It can be used to describe a number of different shoulder problems. It is
sometimes the result of an upper arm or shoulder injury where movement
of the arm was restricted throughout the healing process. After “healing” the
arm can no longer go through its full range-of-motion and can be “frozen” in a
limited range-of-motion. Tight muscles, adhesions or scar tissue may contribute
to a Frozen Shoulder.
Elbow – Pain
at the inside of the elbow joint is often referred to as Golfer’s Elbow. It strikes
those who have never lifted a golf club as often as it does golfers. Pain can
extend down your lower arm as far as to your wrist. Golfer’s Elbow is an
inflammation of the muscles of the lower arm and is usually the result of
overuse or misuse of the muscles of the lower arm. Groin Pull Injury - Groin Pull injuries can be extremely painful and totally debilitating. STAR Tech® has been shown to speed the recovery time of Groin Pull Injuries. Hammer Toe – Hammer Toe is a claw-like
deformity of a toe, often the second toe. It can be caused by fixed flexion of
the first joint by wearing shoes that are too short. The condition may or may
not be painful. Hamstring Strain - A pulled hamstring on the back of
the thigh can be painful
and debilitating, slowing an athlete, gym user or any other individual.
– Headaches may present in the front of the head, on one side, on the front or
the back of
the head. Headaches can feel like they are behind an eye or deep inside the skull.
The pain can be steady, throbbing, barely noticeable or debilitating. Headaches
can last minutes, hours or days. They can be brought on by a number of factors
including the weather, odors, bright light, loud sounds, stress, lack of sleep and tight
muscles to name just a few. Heel Pain - Heel pain can be caused by any number of
tight muscles that extend from the toes to the knee. Hip Pain – Hip Pain is a common
complaint. The cause might simply be the result of tight muscles, or it might be
nerve-related as is the case with “Sciatica”. “Sciatica” pain however, is often
brought on by tight muscles of the pelvis that press on the nerve and irritate
it. Untreated, nerve compression and the resulting pain caused by tight muscles
[the piriformis hip rotator] in particular, can lead to serious pain and long
recovery time. IT Band Strain - A tight Iliotibialis Band which
runs down the outside of the hip and thigh, is often the reason for knee pain.
Overuse is often the cause. Knee Pain - Knee pain can be caused by a number of
different conditions ranging from very serious to not so serious. Muscle tightness
or muscle imbalance in any of the many muscles that attach around the knee may
be the cause. Kyphosis – Kyphosis is
condition that involves an excessive rounding
of the spine of the upper back and shoulders. It is also referred to as
“hunchback”. People with developing kyphosis (just about every one of us) are
viewed as having poor posture. Kyphosis is often the result of weak, tight and
unbalanced muscles of the torso. Kyphosis is usually a progressive condition,
often becoming worse as we age. Lordosis – Lordosis involves an excessive
inward or downward curve of the spine between the ribs and pelvis. It is also
sometimes referred to as “swayback”. Lordosis is the result of weak, tight or unbalanced
muscles of the lower torso and pelvis. Lordosis can also be the result of an injury –
especially a sports injury. Lyme Disease --
Lyme disease is an infectious
disease caused by bacteria spread by the deer tick. Early symptoms may include
fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a characteristic circular skin rash
that resembles a bull’s eye. Left untreated, later symptoms may involve the
joints, heart, and central nervous system. Lyme disease can affect multiple body
systems and produce a range of symptoms. A Doctor's diagnosis is necessary, and
treatment with antibiotics seems to be the present approach.
Male Pelvis
– STAR Tech® Healing has been shown to assist men with various pelvic conditions
including a variety of areas of pain that result from tightness in muscles
of the pelvis, legs and back. A few of the conditions include low back pain, upper leg pain, groin pain, testicle pain, pelvic pain.
Tight pelvic muscles might also be the cause or may contribute to constipation,
hemorrhoids, incontinence, chronic prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, weak
erections and premature ejaculation. Neck and Shoulder Pain
– Neck and shoulder
pain can be the result of tight muscles brought on by the life style most of us
live. Working at a computer, carrying an infant or child, or driving a car or truck for hours each day can put
a tremendous stress on the muscles of the neck and shoulders, causing pain and
discomfort. Accidents involving whiplash account for a large number of cases of
neck and shoulder pain. Piriformis Syndrome (see Sciatica, below) Plantar Fasciitis –Plantar Fasciitis
can be a
painful tear, heel spurs or inflammation of the plantar muscle on the sole of
the foot. The condition usually comes on gradually from muscle fatigue or
tightness and is suffered often by runners. The first step out of bed in
the morning can feel painful, like stepping onto broken glass. Similar pain is
experienced when starting out on a run, with the pain gradually easing as the
muscles of the foot stretch out. Quadriceps Strain - The four Quadriceps muscles on
the front of the thigh are some to the strongest and most used muscles of the
body. A Quadriceps Strain will slow
even the best athlete. Range-Of-Motion Restrictions –
ROM Restrictions are often related to soft tissue tightness - muscles and
fascia. The cause of the restriction is often muscles and other soft tissue that
are tight and inflexible.
This may be the result of an injury, lack of movement (lack of exercise), not stretching
properly or not stretching at all. Rotator Cuff injury - The Rotator Cuff is the
muscular structure that surrounds, connects and stabilizes the shoulder joint capsule
where the upper arm and shoulder join. Injuries to
the Rotator Cuff are common among athletes.
– The sizeable Sciatic Nerve emerges from the sacrum at the base of the spine
and continues across the hip and down the leg. As a result areas of pain
can radiate
down the hip, leg and sometimes even up into the back. Besides pain, symptoms of
“sciatica” may include tingling and numbness in the leg or foot. Shin Splints
– Pain in the shin, in the front of the lower leg, is referred to as “shin
splints”. It is experienced often by runners and other athletes who run to train
for their sport. Shin Splints can result from overtraining, training on a new
and different surface or wearing the wrong shoes. Shin Splints involve an
inflammation of the tibialis anterior muscle of the lower leg. Stroke - Soft Tissue
Active Recovery Technique,
STAR Tech® has proven to be an exciting and promising
rehabilitation possibility, when it was used with a small number of stroke
patients. Tennis Elbow – Pain at the outside top of
the elbow is often referred to as Tennis Elbow. It strikes those who
have never lifted a tennis racquet as often as it does tennis players. Pain can
extend down the arm as far as the wrist. Tennis Elbow is an inflammation of the
muscles of the lower arm and is usually the accumulated result of overuse or misuse. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
– TOS is characterized as a pain or
weakness in the neck. shoulder, arm and/or hand. Pain,
tingling, numbness and weakness in the shoulder, arm, wrist, hand and fingers
can be the result of compression of the nerves in the thoracic outlet region at
the front of
the shoulder. TMJ – (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction)
TMJ can refer pain from the jaw to the teeth, eyes, head, mouth and shoulders.
Another symptom is ringing in the ears. TMJ can be caused by tight muscles and other
soft tissue problems of the jaw> Trigger Finger – Is also known as “trick
finger” and “locking finger”. Trigger Finger is an impairment in the ability to
extend a finger which has locked in the flexed position. External force may be
needed to extend or straighten it. Trigger Finger is caused by a narrowing of
the flexor tendon sheath or by a chronic muscle tightening in the hand. Whiplash – Whiplash is a generic term for an
injury that occurs when the head is suddenly and violently taken out of its
normal position, that of sitting squarely on top of the shoulders. Whiplash may
involve trauma and injury to the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the neck and
spine. Damage to the spinal cord or nerve roots in the neck may be involved in
severe cases. With whiplash, painful symptoms can disappear and then reappear
years after an accident if the traumatized soft tissue is again traumatized. (This material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.) This page was updated March 5, 2023 |
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STAR Tech Healing and Learning Center Bailey Therapeutic Massage 14 Nason Street, Suites 201-202 Maynard, Massachusetts 01754 978 897-0110 Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 all rights reserved Latest update February 4, 2025 |