Healing of the future . . . Now! 

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 Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY

One Hour Active Stretching Class with Barry Bailey MS, LMT, Active Stretching Instructor/Coach.

     This audio CD takes you through Barry’s hour long Active Stretching class. The CD includes all of the stretches done regularly in class as of May 2008, plus background information on Active Stretching and instructions on how to do Active Stretching correctly.    
     This CD assumes that you have taken at least one class in person with Barry, and that you have a basic grasp of the stretches being presented including how they are done properly.
     As a helpful reminder, a pull-out insert is included in the CD package with illustrations of some of the most important and difficult stretches.
     The class material is divided into twelve tracks which enable the user to design and program a customized class of specific muscle focus and length.
     The Active Stretching class CD is designed to free your body, raise your spirits and improve your mind.

Total CD Playing Time: one hour, thirteen minutes (1:13).
Introduction and Basic Instructions: ten minutes (0:10)
Total Class Time: one hour three minutes (1:03)

Cost: $16.95

Click Here for an Order Form


Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY -- The Illustrated Companion Handbook to the CD

Text and Drawings by Barry Bailey, MS, LMT, Active Stretching Instructor/Coach

     This Handbook has been compiled as a companion text with illustrations and complete stretching instructions for the "Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY" class CD led by Barry Bailey.
     The Handbook offers information not on the Stretching Class CD, and it can be used by those who have never taken a live class with Barry.
    The Handbook contains greatly expanded background information on Active Stretching plus detailed instructions for doing Active Stretching correctly. Each stretch is explained fully with step by step instructions, background information on muscles and related conditions with suggestions for getting the best results from each stretch.
     Over sixty stretches are included in the Handbook with illustrations for most of the stretches that have been drawn by the author. The Handbook is bound with a spiral binding which allows the book to remain open while being used during a stretching session. The pages are printed on one side only to give the user a place to write notes and record personal flexibility and pain problems as well as track personal gains and progress.
     The Handbook offers both visual and text support for the CD, or it can be used on its own as a guide for doing Active Stretching as taught by Barry Bailey.

Full Body Active Stretching for EveryBODY -- The Illustrated Companion Handbook to the CD
Cost: $24.95

Click Here for an Order Form


Active Stretching Sets


Active Stretching Discount Set B: CD and Handbook

               Purchase the CD and a Book together and receive a 10% discount.


Active Stretching Discount Set B: CD and Book

     Cost: $37.71 with 10% discount

 Click Here for an Order Form

Press Release February 9, 2009
Wicked Local Maynard



STAR Tech® Healing Productions
is a Division of
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
14 Nason Street
Maynard, MA 01754

                                                                                                        This Page last updated March 5, 2023


"Let the
it can not
be done
not interrupt
the person
doing it."

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have
a moral obligation to share it with others." Chinese Proverb

STAR Tech is all
one's quality
of life!




            Home STAR Tech Treatments Testimonials Practitioners Learning Center Calendar Stretching Classes Workshops Products Biographies Bailey Massage Pain Relief Tips Free Events Useful Links Videos.htm

STAR Tech Healing and Learning Center
Bailey Therapeutic Massage
14 Nason Street, Suites 201-202
 Maynard, Massachusetts  01754
978  897-0110

Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 all rights reserved    

Latest update August 27, 2024